cSounds.com - A Csound Instrument Collection by Steven Cook
VCS3 / Synthi A: |
orc |
sco |
An attempt at a realistic emulation of the EMS VCS3 / Synthi A, also known as the 'Putney': 3 Oscillators with variable waveshapes and exponential FM, Filter, Trapezoid [ASD] envelope generator with decay time modulation, Noise generator with tone control, Ring Mod, 2 external [sample] inputs, Joystick, Reverberation, 2 Outputs with pan and tone controls, and a 16x16 Patch Matrix. Modifications include oscillator sync and switchable LFO / audio frequency mode for Oscillator 3. Detailed notes are available here. |
Sound Generators: |
808HiHat |
orc |
sco |
New: An emulation of the Roland TR-808 drum machine hi-hat cymbal sound. Oscillator frequencies modified from a Nord Modular patch and the original schematics. |
ADSR-Exp |
orc |
sco |
ADSR envelope generator with k-rate control of ADR times and S level. Slopes emulate capacitor charge / discharge curves. |
ADSR-Lin |
orc |
sco |
As above, except with linear slopes. |
Buzz |
orc |
sco |
Simple instrument using gbuzz. |
Chant |
orc |
sco |
Native Americans? |
FM-Synth |
orc |
sco |
4 Operator FM. Can be connected in any algorithm. |
Harmonics |
orc |
sco |
Generates harmonic sweep using waveshaping. |
NoiseSweep |
orc |
sco |
White noise with swept filter. |
Sequencer |
orc |
sco |
A simple emulation of an analogue sequencer together with 2 VCOs, VCF and VCA. |
Scanner |
orc |
sco |
Random interpolation between wavetables. Based on an idea by Juergen Haible. |
Soprano |
orc |
sco |
An attempt at a realistic soprano singing voice. |
StepWave |
orc |
sco |
Generates a waveform consisting of 8 randomly shifting levels which can be stepped or interpolated between. |
Synth |
orc |
sco |
An emulation of an analogue synthesizer with 2 VCOs, PWM, VCF, Ring Modulator, Glide, 2 LFOs and VCA. |
VCO-Pulse |
orc |
sco |
Variable width pulse / square waveform. At least 1000 to 1 mark to space ratio is possible. kr can be less than sr. |
VCO-Ramp |
orc |
sco |
Variable symmetry ramp / triangle waveform. |
WaveOsc |
orc |
sco |
An oscillator which can read any part of a table and modulate the position at which it is reading. Can produce sync-sweep like sounds amongst other things. |
Weird1 |
orc |
sco |
Quantisation hell. I have no idea why this does what it does! |
Multi-Effects: |
MultiFX |
orc |
sco |
A multi effects system inspired by an orc / sco by Hans Mikelson. To connect more than one output to a single input, use a mixer, otherwise higher numbered instruments will overwrite lower numbered ones. |
AM: |
Crossfade |
orc |
sco |
Crossfades 2 inputs at audio or LFO rates. |
RingMod |
orc |
sco |
A dual ring modulator with sweep oscillators. Depth variable from off to AM to full ring modulation. |
Chorus: |
12VoiceChorus |
orc |
sco |
12 Voice chorus with stereo outputs. |
Ensemble |
orc |
sco |
Stereo 3-phase string machine type BBD ensemble. |
LorenzChorus |
orc |
sco |
Chaotic 3-tap chorusing using a lorenz LFO. |
RndRampChorus |
orc |
sco |
Chorus with constant rate, random direction ramp LFO. |
Delay: |
AnalogEcho |
orc |
sco |
'Analogue' reverb based on the MN3011 IC. |
Multitap |
orc |
sco |
Echo with 8 taps and overall feedback. |
Panning Delay |
orc |
sco |
4-Tap delay with 4 autopans. |
StereoDelay |
orc |
sco |
Stereo delay with normal and cross feedback. |
PingPong |
orc |
sco |
Stereo 'ping-pong' delay with selectable direction and slope mode. |
Distortion: |
Animator |
orc |
sco |
Continuously shifting waveshape distortion. |
Decimator |
orc |
sco |
Bit depth and sample rate reduction. Grunge! |
Function |
orc |
sco |
Mathematical function distortions. |
Interpolator |
orc |
sco |
Pseudo sample rate convertor with interpolation. |
NonLinear |
orc |
sco |
Dynamic, non-linear distortion using limit, mirror or wrap. |
Power |
orc |
sco |
Dynamic power function distortion. |
RectiFilter |
orc |
sco |
Lowpass filtering of [+] and highpass filtering of [-] waveform halves. |
RndDelete |
orc |
sco |
Randomly deletes wavecycles. Mono in / stereo out. |
RndInvert |
orc |
sco |
Randomly inverts wavecycles. |
Sample&Hold |
orc |
sco |
Audio rate sample and hold. |
Shear |
orc |
sco |
Delays [-] waveform half. |
SlewLimiter |
orc |
sco |
Limits the rate of change of an input signal. |
Valve |
orc |
sco |
Valve [Tube] distortion / enhancement. |
Dividers: |
Divider |
orc |
sco |
Inverts alternate wavecycles [wavelets]. |
SubOctave |
orc |
sco |
Creates 4 sub-octave [sub-harmonic] square waves. |
Dynamics: |
Dynamics |
orc |
sco |
Applies curve stored in table to dynamic level for compression / expansion / gating etc. |
EnvelopeCopy |
orc |
sco |
Applies the volume envelope of one sound to another. |
Re-Envelope |
orc |
sco |
Remove and replace input envelope. |
Enhancers: |
BoomBox |
orc |
sco |
A stereo bass enhancer inspired by the dbx120. |
Width |
orc |
sco |
Stereo width expander with filter to reduce bass loss. Can also compress width to mono. |
Filters: |
EnvFilter |
orc |
sco |
AutoWah. |
FilterBank |
orc |
sco |
6 Resonant filters in parallel. An emulation of the SoundMagic FX Filterbank plug-in by Mike Norris for SoundEffects / SoundMaker. |
Mutator |
orc |
sco |
An emulation of the Mutronics Mutator, a hardware stereo filter box. |
Resonators |
orc |
sco |
Similar to 'FilterBank', but using streson. |
StepReson |
orc |
sco |
Sample and hold driven reson filter. |
VoiceBox |
orc |
sco |
Random interpolation between the formants of the vowels A, E, I, O and U. Formant frequency and bandwidth information from the Csound manual. |
Flangers: |
Barberpole |
orc |
sco |
Pseudo continuously rising or falling flanging. |
Flanger |
orc |
sco |
Flanger with stereo output. |
FlangerXFeed |
orc |
sco |
Flanger with stereo output and cross feedback. |
HyperFlanger |
orc |
sco |
4 Flangers in series, with staggered delays. |
StepFlanger |
orc |
sco |
Sample and hold driven flanger. |
ThruZero |
orc |
sco |
[Almost!] 'through zero' flanging. |
FM: |
FM |
orc |
sco |
Frequency modulation of the input by an oscillator. Also allows auto-modulation. |
FreqShift |
orc |
sco |
A stereo frequency shifter with delayed feedback. Lots of p-fields! |
Harmoniser |
orc |
sco |
A stereo harmoniser / pitch shifter with delayed feedback. |
Stop |
orc |
sco |
Emulates a record or tape slowing to a stop. |
Gates: |
Comparator |
orc |
sco |
Compares 1 input with zero crossing line, or 2 inputs with each other. |
Gates |
orc |
sco |
Instantaneous gates. |
Logic |
orc |
sco |
AND, NAND and XOR gates. |
RhythmGate |
orc |
sco |
Rhythmic gating and enveloping of the input. |
Panning: |
CircularPan |
orc |
sco |
Simple 360 degree auto-panning effect using AM rather than HRTF or delays. Can also produce normal auto-panning or tremolo. |
SpatialPan |
orc |
sco |
An emulation of the Red Sound Federation BPM FX Pro's spatial panning. |
Sample Process: |
2WaySplicer |
orc |
sco |
Switches between 2 inputs when waveforms are similar to within specified number of bits. |
4WaySplicer |
orc |
sco |
As above, except with 4 inputs. |
SampleScan |
orc |
sco |
Random crossfading between 8 inputs. |
Shuffler |
orc |
sco |
Divides an input sample into N equal slices then replays in random order. |
Slicer |
orc |
sco |
VectorMix |
orc |
sco |
X-Y mixing of 4 inputs using 2 LFOs, as can be done with the Korg Wavestation. |
Utility: |
Test |
orc |
sco |
A test tone generator with exponential or linear frequency sweep. |
Waveshapers: |
DUY Shape |
orc |
sco |
An emulation of the DUY Shape ProTools plugin. Splits input into 3 frequency bands then applies different waveshaping to each band. |
WaveShaper1 |
orc |
sco |
Non-linear amplification. A wide range of transfer curves are supplied. In addition, 2 tables can be combined [with variable balance] to increase the variety of curves available. Can produce a wide range of effects from distortion to quantisation and rectification [but mostly distortion!]. |
WaveShaper2 |
orc |
sco |
Dynamic, random crossfading between 8 transfer curves. |
Archive: |
Csound |
sit |
zip |
All the above files collected into an 139k sit or 83k zip archive. |
Csound Instruments © Steven Cook 2001. Last modified September 6th 2001. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me. |