Csound 4.24.0 release notes

Release Notes for Csound 4.24.0 (unofficial version by Istvan Varga)

This document lists all changes as compared to canonical Csound
version 4.23. Manuals for new opcodes and utilities are also included.

Bug fixes

  * Bugs in vco PWM and triangle mode are fixed. Also, amplitude of
    PWM wave was corrected, and triangle amplitude depends much
    less on pulse width.
  * FLTK widgets may now compile with FLTK 1.0.x
  * <sstream> or <strstream> interface can be selected at compile time
    to fix compile errors
  * typo in usage message (score,srt) corrected
  * temporary files in Win32 version may now work. Directories are
    searched in the following order: %SFDIR%, %TEMP%, %WINDIR%\TEMP
  * fixes in reading Unix/MS-DOS/Mac format orchestra, score, and CSD
    files (the disadvantage is that the new version does not check for
    comments continuing in another file or macro)
  * maximum line length in CSD files extended to more than 500
    characters (was 200)
  * corrected "Invalid ftable no. %f" error message in MIDI controller
  * amplitude bug in adsyn has been fixed (reported by Kevin Conder)
  * if/else/endif internal labels use less trivial names to avoid
    conflicts with user labels (e.g. "__else_2317" instead of "else1")
  * Win32 MIDI in devices can be selected by number, in addition to
    name, making it easier to use devices with a name that contains
    spaces. (bug reported by Oeyvind Brandtsegg)
  * setting cursor size in FLknob now works. (bug reported by
    Josep M Comajuncosas)
  * FLbutBank widget size bug has been fixed.
    (bug reported by Oeyvind Brandtsegg)
  * fixed reading of Base64 encoded files.
  * fixed bugs in <CsFileB> and <CsSampleB> CSD tags.
  * incorporated bqrez changes from Matt Gerassimoff.
  * max_k in average mode has been fixed (output was multiplied by
  * syntax errors in lines that have a ';' comment are now printed
  * minor bug in setksmps has been fixed
  * --hardwarebufsamps=N option now sets the hardware buffer size
  * audio device selection under Win32 should be fixed
    (bug reported by Josep M Comajuncosas)
  * fixes in various opcodes related to use with local ksmps
  * compile errors in widgets.cpp reported by Steven Yi have been
  * i() with expression argument is now a syntax error if
    --expression-opt is turned on, and a warning is printed otherwise.
    Note that using i() with an expression as argument can produce
    unexpected results, so it is recommended to avoid this type of
  * bug in --expression-opt with multiple expressions on the same
    line is fixed.
  * delayr/delayw and Win32 real-time audio input are reset correctly
    in case of re-entrant operation (does not affect current binary
  * bug in delayr with 64 bit floats has been fixed.
  * fixed bug that caused any label name that begins with "else" or
    "endif" to be rejected.
  * other minor fixes, compiler warnings, etc. (see changelogs)
  * fixed 'square knobs' FLknob bug reported by Oeyvind Brandtsegg
  * usage message under Win32 is now really printed to stdout
  * attempts to fix bugs that resulted in an error return after
    listing opcodes, printing help message, or calling utilities
    even though there was no error in fact
  * rtclock bug that made it impossible to use the opcode has been
  * clockon/clockoff/readclock fixed
  * -t<tempo> flag fixed so that it now actually has effect
  * fixed bug in beat mode that could result in hangs in case of very
    short time intervals
  * fixes in sensekey - now seems to work under Win32 and Linux
    (note: it reads characters from stdin, so it is not possible to
    use stdin for other purposes - such as audio input - at the same
    time. Also, to receive keyboard input, the console window in
    which Csound is being run must be the active window.)
  * printk2 now prints the first value if it is zero

Language Changes

  * Parsing of large orchestras was made faster.
  * 32767 k-periods limit on release time (xtratim) removed; now it
    can be more than two billion k-periods (i.e. more than 3 hours
    even with kr = 192000)
  * new command line option (--expression-opt) that turns on some
    optimizations in expressions:
      * redundant assignment operations are eliminated whenever
        possible. This means that for example this line
          a1 = a2 + a3
        will compile as
          a1 Add a2, a3
        instead of
          #a0 Add a2, a3
          a1 = #a0
        saving a temporary variable and an opcode call. Less opcode
        calls result in reduced CPU usage (an average orchestra may
        compile about 10% faster with --expression-opt, but it
        depends largely on how many expressions are used, what the
        control rate is (see also below), etc.; thus, the difference
        may be less, but also much more).
      * number of a- and k-rate temporary variables is significantly
        reduced. This expression
          (a1 + a2 + a3 + a4)
        will compile as
          #a0 Add a1, a2
          #a0 Add #a0, a3
          #a0 Add #a0, a4       ; (the result is in #a0)
        instead of
          #a0 Add a1, a2
          #a1 Add #a0, a3
          #a2 Add #a1, a4       ; (the result is in #a2)
        The advantages of less temporary variables are:
          * less cache memory is used, which may improve performance
            of orchestras with many a-rate expressions and a low
            control rate (e.g. ksmps = 100)
          * large orchestras may load faster due to less different
            identifier names
          * index overflow errors (i.e. when messages like this
              Case2: indx=-56004 (ffff253c); (short)indx = 9532 (253c)
            are printed and odd behavior or a Csound crash occurs) may
            be fixed, because such errors are triggered by too many
            different (especially a-rate) variable names in a single
        Note that this optimization (due to technical reasons) is not
        performed on i-rate temporary variables.
    NOTE: when --expression-opt is turned on, it is not allowed to
    use the i() function with an expression argument.
  * beat mode (-t n command line option) is closer to fully working,
    but still not perfect
  * turnoff/release/MIDI note off code extensively revised (partly
    due to removed xtratim limit). May have fixed some bugs, and
    (hopefully not) introduced some new ones.

Opcode Fixes

  * Seeding random numbers from the clock in rand etc is now at higher
    resolution in Windows and Linux (and probably other UNIX-like
  * rtclock fixed and Windows version has higher resolution now.
  * midiin works on all systems and both with real-time and MIDI file
  * Bugs in lowres/lowresx have been fixed.
  * vco2init bug in selecting default table size is fixed.

New or modified opcodes

  * bqrez: a second-order multi-mode filter (Matt Gerassimoff;
    revised in version
  * subinstrinit: same as subinstr, but i-time only and has no output
  * nstrnum: returns the number of a named instrument.
  * denorm a1[, a2[, a3[, ... ]]]
      mixes low level (~1e-20 for floats, and ~1e-56 for doubles)
      noise to a list of a-rate signals. Useful on Intel CPUs to
      avoid "denormals".
  * kr delayk ksig, idel[, imode]
      k-rate delay with fixed delay time
  * kr vdel_k ksig, kdel, imdel[, imode]
      k-rate delay with variable delay time
  * Several new opcodes for arithmetics (can be more efficient than
    expressions, but see also --expression-opt):
      xsig1  Add    xsig2, xsig3        -   xsig1 = xsig2 + xsig3
      xsig1  Sub    xsig2, xsig3        -   xsig1 = xsig2 - xsig3
      xsig1  sub    xsig2, xsig3        -   xsig1 = xsig2 - xsig3
      xsig1  Mul    xsig2, xsig3        -   xsig1 = xsig2 * xsig3
      xsig1  mul    xsig2, xsig3        -   xsig1 = xsig2 * xsig3
      xsig1  Div    xsig2, xsig3        -   xsig1 = xsig2 / xsig3
      xsig1  div    xsig2, xsig3        -   xsig1 = xsig2 / xsig3

             vincr  xsig1, xsig2        -   xsig1 = xsig1 + xsig2
             vdecr  xsig1, xsig2        -   xsig1 = xsig1 - xsig2
             vmul   xsig1, xsig2        -   xsig1 = xsig1 * xsig2
             vdiv   xsig1, xsig2        -   xsig1 = xsig1 / xsig2

             Inc    xsig                -   xsig  = xsig  +  1
             Dec    xsig                -   xsig  = xsig  -  1
             dec    xsig                -   xsig  = xsig  -  1
             shl    xsig                -   xsig  = xsig  + xsig
             sqr    xsig                -   xsig  = xsig  * xsig
  * FLsetVal implemented (ported from CsoundAV 0.04)
  * some opcode aliases added for CsoundAV compatibility:
      ftlen2(): same as ftlen()
      tab_i:    same as i-time tab
      tabw_i:   same as i-time tabw
  * schedwhen supports named instruments
  * rbjeq:
      parametric equalizer with 7 filter types (see below)
  * schedwhenname, schedkwhenname, eventname:
      for compatibility with canonical Csound (note that it is
      possible to use both named instruments and k-rate instrument
      numbers with schedwhen, schedkwhen, and event, so the above
      opcodes are actually redundant)
  * many opcodes were ported from CsoundAV (these are not tested yet):
      tab, tabw:    fast ftable access, also non-power of two
      metro:        generates k-rate impulses at a given frequency
      vdelayk:      another k-rate delay (not the same as the 4.23.2
                    one which was renamed to vdel_k)
      mandel:       Mandelbrot fractals
      vcella:       a cellular automata
      zr():         access zak space from expressions
      tb0_init, tb1_init, ..., tb15_init:
      tb0(), tb1(), ..., tb15():
                    access ftables from expressions (i- and k-rate only)
      changed:      checks if any of the given k-rate variables have
                    been changed
      max_k:        maximum or average value of a signal (documentation
                    is not available yet)
  * FLpack has three new optional arguments (see CsoundAV manual)
  * distort1 has a new optional argument that defaults to zero, and
    selects amplitude scaling mode:

    aout  distort1 ain, kpregain, kpostgain, kshape1, kshape2[, imode]

    imode = 0 (default, compatible with original version):

      aout = (exp(ain * (pregain / 5000 + shape1 / 8000))
              - exp(-ain * (pregain / 5000 + shape2 / 8000)))
             / (exp(ain * pregain / 5000) + exp(-ain * pregain / 5000))
             * postgain * 20000

    imode = 1 (same as above, but with 0dbfs support):

      aout = (exp(ain * (pregain * 0.625 + shape1) * 4.096 / 0dbfs)
              - exp(-ain * (pregain * 0.625 + shape2) * 4.096 / 0dbfs))
             / (exp(ain * pregain * 6.5536 / 0dbfs)
                + exp(-ain * pregain * 6.5536 / 0dbfs))
             * postgain * 0dbfs * 0.61035

    imode = 2 ("raw" mode; notice the different calculation for shape1
               and shape2):

      aout = (exp(ain * pregain * (1 + shape1))
              - exp(-ain * pregain * (1 + shape2)))
             / (exp(ain * pregain) + exp(-ain * pregain))
             * postgain
  * readclock can be used at both init and control rate, depending
    on output argument type. There is also a new optional input
    parameter, which requests a CPU time value if set to zero (this
    is the default), and real time if non-zero. The returned value
    is always in millisecond units, but the resolution may vary
    depending on the selected mode and system:

                    Win32       Linux/x86       UNIX    other
    CPU time         1 ms     (1 / HZ) sec        ?       ?
    real time      < 1 us       CPU cycle       1 us    1 sec

    Note: HZ is 100 by default, but can be modified in kernel sources
    "CPU cycle" is e.g. 1 ns for a 1 GHz CPU

    The syntax of the new readclock opcode is
      ir    readclock indx[, imode]
      kr    readclock kndx[, imode]
    see also the example CSD below.

New Gens


Other Changes:

  * Realtime MIDI under Windows may now work ?
  * Real-time audio using ALSA interface (allows multichannel, high
    resolution sample formats, device selection, more control over
    latency and timing jitter, and more) under Linux is now possible.
  * Full duplex operation with OSS audio interface under Linux may work.
  * Attempts to fix the hang when closing all FLTK windows.
  * Benchmark information (elapsed real and CPU time) can be printed
    with -m128 flag. Tested under Win32 and Linux.
  * subinstr reworked (several bug fixes and optimizations).
  * xtratim/linsegr/etc. allowed in score notes even with finite length
    (p3 > 0). Not fully tested.
  * Bugs in expanding instrument numbers have been fixed.
  * Both FLpanel_end and FLpanelEnd style syntax is allowed in FLTK
  * On Ctrl-C interrupts, soundfile header is updated before exiting
    (may not be available on all systems).
  * use of string database (csound.xmg) was made optional at compile
    time, and is disabled by default
  * distort1 optimized for speed
  * minor optimizations in orchestra parser
    also in bqrez opcode
  * preprocessed orchestra (with include files and macros expanded)
    can be written to a file with --write-orc=FNAME option; useful
    for debugging large orchestras with many macros and include files.
    Unfortunately strips ';' comments (leaves only the ';' character).
  * MacOS X real-time audio synchronized with canonical version (not
  * delayr has a new optional i-time output, and all deltap opcodes
    have a new optional i-time input argument that defaults to zero.
    These optional parameters can be used to select a particular
    delay line to be used by deltap/deltapx/etc. in case of nested
    delays. The following example should explain how to use the
    new arguments:

      ; delayr returns delay index as a negative integer in an
      ; optional i-time output variable
      a1, indx1     delayr      idel1   ; indx1 is set to -1
      a2, indx2     delayr      idel2   ; indx2 is set to -2
      a3, indx3     delayr      idel3   ; indx3 is set to -3

      ; all deltap opcodes have a new optional i-time parameter that
      ; defaults to zero (for compatibility). If this is zero or
      ; positive, delay lines are indexed backwards.
      atap1         deltapi     idt1, 0 ; reads from 3rd delay line
      atap2         deltapi     idt2, 1 ; reads from 2nd delay line
      atap3         deltapi     idt3, 2 ; reads from 1st delay line
      ;atap4        deltapi     idt4, 3 ; (would be an error)

      ; if the optional parameter is negative, delay lines are
      ; indexed forwards. Note that the optional output of delayr
      ; can be used as a handle to select delays.
      atap1         deltapi     idt1, -1    ; uses 1st delay line
      atap1         deltapi     idt1, indx1
      atap2         deltapi     idt2, -2    ; uses 2nd delay line
      atap2         deltapi     idt2, indx2
      atap3         deltapi     idt3, -3    ; uses 3rd delay line
      atap3         deltapi     idt3, indx3
      ;atap4        deltapi     idt4, -4    ; (would be an error)

                    delayw      asig1   ; writes to 1st delay line
                                        ; and closes it
      ; this is wrong, because it would in fact read from the 2nd
      ; delay line (which has now become the first)
      ;atap5        deltapi     idt5, indx1
                    delayw      asig2   ; writes to 2nd delay line
                    delayw      asig3   ; writes to 3rd delay line
  * deltapx/deltapxw with sinc interpolation revised for speed.
  * new Win32 real-time audio code, with some new options:
      * --sched         set real-time scheduling priority (dangerous,
                        may hang the system)
      * --sched=N       set scheduling priority to:
                        N=0: real-time, N=1: high, N=2: normal
                        (the default is normal priority)
      * --rt-sleep=N    wait for N (the expected range is 0 to 10)
                        milliseconds between polling buffers.
                        Increasing this yields more CPU time to other
                        applications, and setting to zero results in
                        all available CPU time being used by the
                        Csound audio thread. The default is 1.
      * --rt-hdr        use method of canonical Csound for preparing
      * --no-rt-hdr     use method of CsoundAV for preparing buffers
                        (this is the default)
      of the last two options, select whichever gives better results.
      Also, -b sets the audio buffer size (this was originally -B),
      and (-B / -b) is the number of buffers. For example,
      -b 200 -B 4000 means 20 buffers of 200 samples (originally the
      number of buffers was hard-coded to 4 in canonical Csound).
  * usage message under Win32 is now printed to stdout instead of
    stderr, so it can be redirected, or read with 'more'.
  * massign can "mute" MIDI channels by assigning to zero or negative
    instrument number. Useful when midiin opcode is used to parse
    MIDI events.
  * bqrez opcode updated to new version from Matt Gerassimoff, also
    fixed some bugs.
  * Named instruments can be invoked as opcodes, as requested by Matt
    J. Ingalls, using subinstr-like syntax:
      a1[, a2[, ... ]]  Name  p4[, p5[, p6[, ... ]]]
    Note however, that if both a named instrument and an user defined
    opcode are defined with the same name, the opcode will have
    precedence over the instrument (of course, the latter is still
    callable with subinstr).
  * Incorporated new printf opcodes from Matt Ingalls. The new version
    of "printks" is currently named "sprintks" in order to avoid
    breaking the original "printks", until the new code is fully
  * schedule now supports named instruments.
  * sfont opcodes synchronized with jpff 4.23 version.
  * Crashes in (some) utilities have been fixed - still needs to be
    fully cleaned up.
  * Internal opcode names like "oscil_kk", "peak_k", "oscilikt_aa",
    etc. have been all renamed to use a dot instead (thus "oscil_kk"
    is now "oscil.kk", for example). This avoids conflicts with normal
    opcode names like "FLpanel_end".
  * Many internal code changes - see changelogs for details.
  * the Winsound GUI and all related code was removed from the
  * there is a new command line option (--write-sco=FNAME) that
    requests writing the sorted score to the specified file instead
    of score.srt or a temporary file. This file is not deleted on
    exit. N.B. see also --write-orc=FNAME option that writes the
    preprocessed (include files and macros expanded) orchestra to a
  * improved measurement of real time (higher resolution),
    particularly under Win32 and Linux (see readclock changes above
    for details) on x86 machines. This affects all the following:
      * rtclock opcode
      * clockon/clockoff/readclock opcodes
      * benchmark information printed by -m128 flag
      * seeding from time in rand, randh, randi, pinkish, rnd31,
        spat3d, and unirand, trirand, and all related opcodes.
        Due to the CPU cycle time resolution under Linux/x86, these
        opcodes never generate the same random sequence when seeding
        from current time, even if called within very short time
  * 'ftable <number>:' messages are not printed if message level is
    set to zero - this is useful when there are many function tables,
    and the printing of large number of messages is not desired.
  * 'util UTILNAME:' messages are now printed to stderr instead of
  * a-rate rnd31 with uniform distribution was made faster.
  * many stand-alone utilities (cvanal, dnoise, hetro, lpanal,
    pvanal, pvlook, and sndinfo) have been replaced by a simple
    wrapper utility that calls 'csound -U utilname args ...', where
    csound is replaced by the value of the CSOUND environment
    variable, if it is set. This preserves the functionality of the
    old stand-alone utilities (it is still possible to call e.g.
    cvanal foo.wav foo.cv), while reducing distribution size.
  * a major internal reorganization of sources, with many changes
    that are mostly of interest only to developers (details can be
    found in ChangeLog.4.24.0). The most relevant of these are:
    integration of csound.c and csound.h from Michael Gogins (there
    are several changes compared to the original files), removal of
    jpff_glue.c, completely different use of globals, and revised
    stand-alone utilities. In addition, changes were made to the
    plugin opcode interface that make it possible to have a separate
    init function for 32 and 64 bit floats, and changes in the size
    of OENTRY are less likely to break plugins. Both the API and
    plugin code are experimental (this in general does not affects
    the csound stand-alone executable) and are subject to changes.
    Plugins compiled for canonical Csound are NOT supported.

New utilities

  * csb64enc [OPTIONS ... ] infile1 [ infile2 [ ... ]]
      converts a set of files to <CsFileB> tags (for detailed manual
      see below)
  * makecsd [OPTIONS ... ] infile1 [ infile2 [ ... ]]
      creates a CSD file from a set of input files
  * cs [-OPTIONS] <name> [CSOUND OPTIONS ... ]
      Csound launcher utility (saves typing)

Windows GUI Changes

The Winsound GUI has been removed from the sources.


bqrez --  A second-order multi-mode filter.
A second-order multi-mode filter.

ar bqrez asig, xfco, xres [, imode]

imode (optional, default=0) -- low-pass, high-pass, band-pass,
band-reject, or all-pass mode:
     0 = low-pass (default)
     1 = high-pass
     2 = band-pass
     3 = band-reject
     4 = all-pass

asig -- input signal

xfco -- filter cut-off frequency in Hz. As of version 3.50, may i-,k-,
or a-rate.

xres -- amount of resonance. Values of 1 to 100 are typical. Resonance
should be one or greater.  100 gives a 20dB gain at the cutoff

bqrez is a resonant low-pass filter created using the laplace s-domain
equations for low-pass, high-pass, and band-pass filters normalized to
a frequency.  The bi-linear transform was used which contains a
frequency transform constant from s-domain to z-domain to exactly match
the frequencies together.  Alot of trigonometric identities where used
to simplify the calculation.  It is very stable across the working
frequency range up to the nyquist frequency.

All filter modes can be frequency modulated as well as the the resonance
can also be frequency modulated.

Here is an example of the bqrez opcode. It uses the files bqrez.orc and

Example 1. Example of the bqrez opcode borrowed from the "rezzy" opcode
in Kevin Conder's manual.

/* bqrez.orc */
/* Written by Matt Gerassimof from example by Kevin Conder */
; Initialize the global variables.
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1

; Instrument #1.
instr 1
  ; Use a nice sawtooth waveform.
  asig vco 32000, 220, 1

  ; Vary the filter-cutoff frequency from .2 to 2 KHz.
  kfco line 200, p3, 200

  ; Set the resonance amount to one.
  kres init 25

  a1 bqrez asig, kfco, kres

  out a1
/* bqrez.orc */

/* bqrez.sco */
/* Written by Kevin Conder */
; Table #1, a sine wave for the vco opcode.
f 1 0 16384 10 1

; Play Instrument #1 for three seconds.
i 1 0 3
/* bqrez.sco */

See Also
biquad, moogvcf, rezzy

Author: Matt Gerassimoff

November 2002


ar      rbjeq   asig, kfco, klvl, kQ, kS[, imode]


Parametric equalizer and filter opcode with 7 filter types, based on
algorithm by Robert Bristow-Johnson.


imode (optional, defaults to zero) - sum of:

    1: skip initialization (should be used in tied, or re-initialized
       notes only).

  and exactly one of the following values to select filter type:

    0: resonant lowpass filter. kQ controls the resonance: at the
       cutoff frequency (kfco), the amplitude gain is kQ (e.g. 20 dB
       for kQ = 10), and higher kQ values result in a narrower
       resonance peak. If kQ is set to sqrt(0.5) (about 0.7071),
       there is no resonance, and the filter has a response that is
       very similar to that of butterlp. If kQ is less than sqrt(0.5),
       there is no resonance, and the filter has a -6 dB / octave
       response from about kfco * kQ to kfco. Above kfco, there is
       always a -12 dB / octave cutoff.

       NOTE: the rbjeq lowpass filter is basically the same as
         ar     pareq   asig, kfco, 0, kQ, 2
       but is faster to calculate.

    2: resonant highpass filter. The parameters are the same as for
       the lowpass filter, but the equivalent filter is butterhp if
       kQ is 0.7071, and "ar pareq asig, kfco, 0, kQ, 1" in other

    4: bandpass filter. kQ controls the bandwidth, which is kfco / kQ,
       and must be always less than sr / 2. The bandwidth is measured
       between -3 dB points (i.e. amplitude gain = 0.7071), beyond
       which there is a +/- 6 dB / octave slope.
       This filter type is very similar to
         ar     butterbp asig, kfco, kfco / kQ

    6: band-reject filter, with the same parameters as the bandpass
       filter, and a response similar to that of butterbr.

    8: peaking EQ. It has an amplitude gain of 1 (0 dB) at 0 Hz and
       sr / 2, and klvl at the center frequency (kfco). Thus, klvl
       controls the amount of boost (if it is greater than 1), or
       cut (if it is less than 1). Setting klvl to 1 results in a
       flat response. Similarly to the bandpass and band-reject
       filters, the bandwidth is determined by kfco / kQ (which must
       be less than sr / 2 again); however, this time it is between
       sqrt(klvl) points (or, in other words, half the boost or cut
       in decibels).
       NOTE: excessively low or high values of klvl should be avoided
       (especially with 32-bit floats), though the opcode was tested
       with klvl = 0.01 and klvl = 100. klvl = 0 is always an error,
       unlike in the case of pareq, which does allow a zero level.

   10: low shelf EQ, controlled by klvl and kS (kQ is ignored by this
       filter type). There is an amplitude gain of klvl at zero
       frequency, while the level of high frequencies (around sr / 2)
       is not changed. At the corner frequency (kfco), the gain is
       sqrt(klvl) (half the boost or cut in decibels). The kS
       parameter controls the steepness of the slope of the frequency
       response (see below).

   12: high shelf EQ. Very similar to the low shelf EQ, but affects
       the high frequency range.

  the default value for imode is zero (lowpass filter, initialization
  not skipped).


ar - the output signal.

asig - the input signal.
  NOTE: if the input contains silent sections, on Intel CPUs a
  significant slowdown can occur due to denormals. In such cases, it
  is recommended to process the input signal with "denorm" opcode
  before filtering it with rbjeq (and actually many other filters).

kfco - cutoff, corner, or center frequency, depending on filter type,
  in Hz. It must be greater than zero, and less than sr / 2 (the range
  of about sr * 0.0002 to sr * 0.49 should be safe).

klvl - level (amount of boost or cut), as amplitude gain (e.g. 1: flat
  response, 4: 12 dB boost, 0.1: 20 dB cut); zero or negative values
  are not allowed. It is recognized by the peaking and shelving EQ
  types (8, 10, 12) only, and is ignored by other filters.

kQ - resonance (also kfco / bandwidth in many filter types). Not used
  by the shelving EQs (imode = 10 and 12). The exact meaning of this
  parameter depends on the filter type (see above), but it should be
  always greater than zero, and usually (kfco / kQ) less than sr / 2.

kS - shelf slope parameter for shelving filters. Must be greater than
  zero; a higher value means a steeper slope, with resonance if
  kS > 1 (however, a too high kS value may make the filter unstable).
  If kS is set to exactly 1, the shelf slope is as steep as possible
  without a resonance. Note that the effect of kS - especially if it
  is greater than 1 - also depends on klvl, and it does not have any
  well defined unit.


; ---- orchestra ----

sr      =  44100
ksmps   =  10
nchnls  =  1

        instr 1

a1      vco2    10000, 155.6            ; sawtooth wave
kfco    expon   8000, p3, 200           ; filter frequency
a1      rbjeq   a1, kfco, 1, kfco * 0.005, 1, 0 ; resonant lowpass
        out a1


; ---- score ----

i 1 0 5


Original algorithm by Robert Bristow-Johnson
Csound orchestra version by Josep M Comajuncosas, Aug 1999
Converted to C (with optimizations and bug fixes) by Istvan Varga,
Dec 2002


kr      delayk  ksig, idel[, imode]
kr      vdel_k  ksig, kdel, imdel[, imode]


k-rate delay opcodes.


idel - delay time (in seconds) for delayk. It is rounded to the
  nearest integer multiple of a k-cycle (i.e. 1/kr).

imode - sum of:
  1: skip initialization (e.g. in tied notes)
  2: hold the first input value during the initial delay, instead of
     outputting zero. This is mainly of use when delaying envelopes
     that do not start at zero.

        ^__          imode = 0   ^   ___
        |  \                     |   |  \
        |   \            =>      |   |   \
        |    \                   |   |    \
       -+------------>          -+------------>
        |                        |

        ^__          imode = 2   ^______
        |  \                     |      \
        |   \            =>      |       \
        |    \                   |        \
       -+------------>          -+------------>
        |                        |

imdel - maximum delay time for vdel_k, in seconds.


kr - the output signal. Note: none of the opcodes interpolate the

ksig - the input signal.

kdel - delay time (in seconds) for vdel_k. It is rounded to the
  nearest integer multiple of a k-cycle (i.e. 1/kr).


Istvan Varga
Dec 2002


NOTE: all the following opcodes are by Gabriel Maldonado

   tab, tabw

   ir tab indx, ifn[, ixmode]
   kr tab kndx, ifn[, ixmode]
   ar tab xndx, ifn[, ixmode]

   tabw isig, indx, ifn [,ixmode]
   tabw ksig, kndx, ifn [,ixmode]
   tabw asig, andx, ifn [,ixmode]


   Fast table opcodes. Faster than table and tablew because don't allow
   wrap-around and limit and don't check index validity. Have been
   implemented in order to provide fast access to arrays. Support
   non-power of two tables (can be generated by any GEN function by
   giving a negative length value).


   ifn - table number

   ixmode (optional; default = 0) -  ==0 - xndx and ixoff ranges match
   the length of the table.
                                                            !=0 - xndx
   and ixoff have a 0 to 1 range.
   isig - input value to write

   indx - table index


   asig, ksig  - input signal to write
   andx, kndx - table index
   tab and tabw opcodes are similar to table and tablew, but are faster
   and support tables having non-power-of-two length.

   Special care of index value must be taken into account. Index values
   out of the table allocated space will crash Csound.

  Trigger Metronome

   ktrig metro kfreq [, initphase]


   Generate a metronomic signal to be used in any circumstance an
   isochronous trigger is needed.


   initphase - initial phase value (in the 0 to 1 range)


   ktrig - output trigger signal
   kfreq - frequency of trigger bangs in cps

   metro is a simple opcode that outputs a sequence of isochronous bangs
   (that is 1 values) each 1/kfreq seconds. Trigger signals can be used
   in any circumstance, mainly to temporize realtime algorithmic
   compositional structures.

  Mandelbrot Set

   kiter, koutrig mandel ktrig, kx, ky, kmaxIter


   Returns the number of iterations corresponding to a given point of
   complex plane by applying the Mandelbrot set formula.


   kiter- number of iterations
   koutrig - output trigger signal
   ktrig - input trigger signal
   kx, ky - coordinates of a given point belonging to the complex plane
   kmaxIter - maximum iterations allowed

   mandel is an opocode that allows to use the Mandelbrot set formula to
   generate an output that can be applied to any musical (or non-musical)
   parameter. It has two output arguements, kiter, that contains the
   iteration number of a given point, and koutrig, that generates a
   trigger bang each time kiter changes. A new number of iterations is
   evaluated only when ktrig is set to a non-zero value. User have to set
   the coordinates of the complex plane inside kx and ky arguments, while
   kmaxIter contains the maximum number of iteration the user intend to
   use. Output values, that are integer numbers, can be mapped in any
   sorts of ways by the composer.

  K-rate Variable Time Delay

   kr, vdelayk ksig, kdel, imaxdel [, iskip, imode]


   Variable delay applied to a k-rate signal


   imaxdel - maximum value of delay in seconds.
   iskip (optional) - Skip initialization if present and non zero.
   imode (optional) - if non-zero it suppresses linear interpolation.
   While, normally, interpolation increases the quality of a signal, it
   should be suppressed if using vdelay with discrete control signals,
   such as, for example, trigger signals.


   kr - delayed output signal
   ksig - input signal
   kdel - delay time in seconds can be varied at k-rate

   vdelayk is similar to vdelay, but works at k-rate. It is designed to
   delay control signals, to be used, for example, in algorithmic

  Cellular Automata

   vcella ktrig, kreinit, ioutFunc, initStateFunc, iRuleFunc, ielements,
   irulelen [, iradius]


   Unidimensional Cellular Automata applied to Csound vectors


   ioutFunc - number of the table where the state of each cell is stored
   initStateFunc - number of a table containig the inital states of each
   iRuleFunc - number of a lookup table containing the rules
   ielements - total number of cells
   irulelen - total number of rules
   iradius (optional) - radius of Cellular Automata. At present time CA
   radius can be 1 or 2 (1 is the default)


   ktrig - trigger signal. Each time it is non-zero, a new generation of
   cells is evaluated
   kreinit - trigger signal. Each time it is non-zero, state of all cells
   is forced to be that of initStateFunc.

   vcella supports unidimensional cellular automata, where the state of
   each cell is stored in ioutFunc. So ioutFunc is a vector containing
   current state of each cell. This variant vector can be used together
   with any other vector-based opcode, such as adsynt, vmap, vpowv etc.

   initStateFunc is an input vector containing the inital value of the
   row of cells, while iRuleFunc is an input vector containing the rules
   in the form of a lookup table. Notice that initStateFunc and iRuleFunc
   can be updated during the performance by means of other vector-based
   opcodes (for example vcopy) in order to force to change rules and
   status at performance time.

   A new generation of cells is evaluated each time ktrig contains a
   non-zero value. Also the status of all cells can be forced to assume
   the status corresponding to the contents of initStateFunc each time
   kreinit contains a non-zero value.

   Radius of CA algorithm can be 1 or 2 (optional iradius arguement).

  ZAK space read access inside expressions

   iout = zr(iIndex)
   kout = zr(kIndex)
   aout = zr(aIndex)


   Allow to read ZAK space inside expressions.

   These opcodes are identical to zir, zkr and zar, but can be used in
   function fashion.

  Table Read Access inside expressions

   tb0_init ifn
   tb1_init ifn
   tb15_init ifn

   iout = tb0(iIndex)
   kout = tb0(kIndex)
   iout = tb1(iIndex)
   kout = tb1(kIndex)
   iout = tb15(iIndex)
   kout = tb15(kIndex)


   Allow to read tables in function fashion, to be used inside

   At present time Csound only supports functions with a single input
   argument. However, to access table elements, user must provide two
   numbers, i.e. the number of table and the index of element. So, in
   order to allow to access a table element with a function, a previous
   preparation step should be done.

   There are 16 different opcodes whose name is associated with a number
   from 0 to 15. User can associate a specific table with each opcode (so
   the maximum number of tables that can be accessed in function fashion
   is 16). Prior to access a table, user must associate the table with
   one of the 16 opcodes by means of an opcode chosen among
   tb0_init...tb15_init. For example,

   tb0_init  1

   associates table 1 with tb0( ) function, so that, each element of
   table 1 can be accessed (in function fashion)  with:

   kvar = tb0(k_some_index_of_table1) * k_some_other_var
          ivar  = tb0(i_some_index_of_table1) + i_some_other_var

   By using these opcodes, user can drastically reduce the number of
   lines of an orchestra, improving its readability.

   ktrig changed kvar1 [, kvar2,..., kvarN]

   changed opcode outputs a trigger signal that informs when one (or
   several ones) of its k-rate arguments has changed. Useful with
   valuator widgets or MIDI controllers.

     ______________ END OF OPCODES BY GABRIEL MALDONADO ______________


csb64enc [OPTIONS ... ] infile1 [ infile2 [ ... ]]


This utility converts any number of files to Base64 encoded CSD tags


  -w n      set line width to n characters (default: 72)
  -o fname  output file name (default: stdout)


Istvan Varga
Jan 2003


makecsd [OPTIONS ... ] infile1 [ infile2 [ ... ]]


Creates a CSD file from the specified input files. The first input
file that has a .orc extension (case is not significant) is put to
the <CsInstruments> section, and the first input file that has a
.sco extension becomes <CsScore>. Any remaining files are Base64
encoded and added as <CsFileB> tags. An empty <CsOptions> section is
always added.
Some text filtering is performed on the orchestra and score file:
  * newlines are converted to the native format of the system on
    which makecsd is being run.
  * blank lines are removed from the beginning and end of files.
  * any trailing whitespace is removed from the end of lines.
  * optionally, tabs can be expanded to spaces with an user specified
    tabstop size.


  -t n      expand tabs to spaces using tabstop size n
            (default: disabled). This applies only to the orchestra
            and score file.
  -w n      set Base64 line width to n (default: 72). Note: the
            orchestra and score are not wrapped.
  -o fname  output file name (default: stdout)


makecsd -t 6 -w 78 -o file.csd file.mid file.orc file.sco sample.aif

This creates a CSD from file.orc and file.sco (tabs are expanded to
spaces assuming a tabstop size of 6 characters), and file.mid and
sample.aif are added as <CsFileB> tags containing Base64 encoded data
with a line width of 78 characters. The output file is file.csd.


Istvan Varga
Jan 2003


cs [-OPTIONS] <name> [CSOUND OPTIONS ... ]


Starts Csound with a set of options that can be controlled by
environment variables, and input and output files determined by the
specified filename stem.


  -OPTIONS  OPTIONS is a sequence of alphabetic characters that can
            be used for selecting the Csound executable to be run, as
            well as the command line flags (see below).
            There is a default for the option 'r' (selects real-time
            output), but it can be overridden.
  <name>    this is the filename stem for selecting input files; it
            may contain a path. Files that have .csd, .orc, or .sco
            extension are searched, and either a CSD or an orc/sco
            pair that matches <name> the best are selected. MIDI
            files with a .mid extension are also searched, and if one
            that matches <name> at least as close as the CSD or
            orc/sco pair, it is used with the -F flag.
            (NOTE: the MIDI file is not used if any -M or -F flag
            is specified by the user - new in version 4.24.0)
            Unless there is any option (-n or -o) related to audio
            output, an output file name with the appropriate extension
            is automatically generated (based on the name of selected
            input files and format options).
            The output file is always written to the current
            Note: file name extensions are not case sensitive.
            any number of additional options for Csound that are
            simply copied to the final command line to be executed.

The command line that is executed is generated from four parts:

  1. Csound executable (possibly with options). This is exactly one
     of the following (the last one has the highest precedence):
       * a built-in default
       * the value of the CSOUND environment variable
       * environment variables with a name in the format of CSOUND_x
         where x is an uppercase letter selected by characters of
         the -OPTIONS string. Thus, if the -dcba option is used,
         and the environment variables CSOUND_B and CSOUND_C are
         defined, the value of CSOUND_B will take effect.
  2. Any number of option lists, added in the following order:
       * either some built-in defaults, or the value of the
         CSFLAGS environment variable if it is defined.
       * environment variables with a name in the format of CSFLAGS_x
         where x is an uppercase letter selected by characters of
         the -OPTIONS string. Thus, if the -dcba option is used,
         and the environment variables CSFLAGS_A and CSFLAGS_C are
         defined as '-M 1 -o dac' and '-m231 -H0', respectively,
         the string '-m231 -H0 -M 1 -o dac' will be added.
  3. The explicit options of [CSOUND OPTIONS ... ].
  4. Any options and file names generated from <name>.

Note: quoted options that contain spaces are allowed.


Assuming the following environment variables:

  CSOUND    = csoundfltk.exe -W
  CSOUND_D  = csound64.exe -J
  CSOUND_R  = csoundfltk.exe -h

  CSFLAGS   = -d -m135 -H1 -s
  CSFLAGS_D = -f
  CSFLAGS_R = -m0 -H0 -o dac1 -M "MIDI Yoke NT:  1" -b 200 -B 6000

And a directory that contains:

  foo.orc                 piano.csd
  foo.sco                 piano.mid
  im.csd                  piano2.mid
  ImproSculpt2_share.csd  foobar.csd

The following commands will execute as shown:

  cs foo           => csoundfltk.exe -W -d -m135 -H1 -s -o foo.wav  \
                                     foo.orc foo.sco

  cs foob          => csoundfltk.exe -W -d -m135 -H1 -s             \
                                     -o foobar.wav foobar.csd

  cs -r imp -i adc => csoundfltk.exe -h -d -m135 -H1 -s -m0 -H0     \
                                     -o dac1 -M "MIDI Yoke NT:  1"  \
                                     -b 200 -B 6000 -i adc          \

  cs -d im         => csound64.exe -J -d -m135 -H1 -s -f -o im.sf   \

  cs piano         => csoundfltk.exe -W -d -m135 -H1 -s             \
                                     -F piano.mid -o piano.wav      \

  cs piano2        => csoundfltk.exe -W -d -m135 -H1 -s             \
                                     -F piano2.mid -o piano2.wav    \


Istvan Varga
Jan 2003

============== clockon / clockoff / readclock example ===============

; clockon/clockoff/readclock example - written by Istvan Varga, 2003
; measures the approximate time it takes to execute any Csound
; orchestra code (perf time only), and calculates the maximum possible
; overlaps in real-time
; run in real-time (there is no audio output, though)
-d -m0 -H0 -s -h -o dac
sr      =  44100
ksmps   =  30
nchnls  =  1

        instr 1

        clockon 1
; ---- put here any code to be timed ----
a1      vco2 1000, 440
; ---- end of test code ----
        clockoff 1
; dummy clockon/clockoff pair to measure the CPU usage of the
; timer itself
        clockon 2
        clockoff 2
; read the time values. readclock works at k-rate if it has a k-rate
; output variable. imode=1 (real time) is used, because it has higher
; time resolution (better than 1 us under Win32, and 1 CPU cycle
; under Linux/x86) than imode=0 (CPU time, usually ~1 ms resolution),
; although other programs running in multi-tasking may result in
; incorrect times being measured.
ktime   readclock 1, 1
ktime2  readclock 2, 1
; subtract the time elapsed by the dummy clockon/clockoff pair for
; more a accurate result
        vdecr ktime, ktime2
; attempt to filter out anomalous values
ktime2  limit ktime2, 0.000001, 1.0             ; 1 ns to 1 ms
; apply smoothing for stable output; however, it takes longer time
; (~10-20 seconds) to reach the final value
ktime2  port ktime, 1.0, 0.1
; estimate the maximum possible overlaps in real-time by dividing the
; time of a k-cycle with the measured time
kovrlp  =  (1000 / kr) / ktime2
; convert milliseconds to microseconds
        vmul ktime2, 1000
; print the results
        printks "time (us) = %f, max overlaps = %f\\n", 0.5, ktime2, kovrlp


i 1 0 3600



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