This package includes two utilities:
[+] Keyboard
Allows playing notes by keyboard or mouse, and sends MIDI and score events.
[+] Controller
Sends the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer in a window as MIDI control
change (7 or 14 bit) events.
It is recommended to start these programs from a terminal, as messages are printed to stderr.
Installation can be done by running "make",
then (as root) "make install-strip".
Gtk-1.2.x is required for compilation.
Command line options | |
-h | -help | --help | Print usage. |
-o | --output <filename> | Output file or device name (defaults to standard output). |
-M | --midi | Write MIDI messages to output (this is the default). |
-S | --score | Write Csound score events to output. |
-w | --winsize <size> |
Set window size. Allowed values for size are: 0: 450x45 1: 600x60 2: 750x75 3: 1050x105 The default is 1. |
Keyboard and mouse usage | |
A-Z, 0-9, -=\[];',./ |
Play notes. Pressing a key sends note-on, and releasing it sends note-off
message (keyboard repeat is automatically disabled). Multiple keys can be
pressed at once. It is possible to select from 4 note-on velocities by using
modifier keys: No modifiers: velocity 3 (defaults to 127) <Shift>: velocity 2 (96) <Ctrl>: velocity 1 (64) <Alt>: velocity 0 (32) These velocities can be changed using the arrow keys (see below). Note: keyboard layout is assumed to be US or English. |
Arrow keys | Adjust note-on velocities. The velocity value to be changed is selected by modifier keys (<Shift>, <Ctrl>, and <Alt>) as explained above. |
<F1>-<F4> | Set transpose value. |
<Shift> + <F1>-<F4> | Adjust note-off velocity (the default is 64). |
<F9>-<F12> | Select MIDI program (1-128). |
<Shift> + <F9>-<F12> | Select MIDI channel (1-16). |
<F5> | Print current settings to stderr. |
<F6> | Turn off all active notes (also done at exit automatically). |
<F7>, <F8> | Change base key (the note played by Q and Z). |
Mouse buttons |
Clicking on a key in the window plays the note. Velocity is selected
by button: Button 1 (left): velocity 3 (127) Button 2 (middle): velocity 2 (96) Button 3 (right): velocity 1 (64) Other buttons (if there are): velocity 0 (32) |
Command line options | |
-h | -help | --help | Print usage. |
-o | --output <filename> | Output file or device name (defaults to standard output). |
-7 | --7-bit | Send 7 bit control messages (this is the default). |
-14 | --14-bit | Send 14 bit control messages (LSB is sent in MSB controller + 32). MSB is sent first. |
-s | --size <size> | Set window size to size * 128 pixels. size must be in the range 2 to 8, and defaults to 4. |
Keyboard and mouse usage | |
Control change events are sent as the mouse pointer is moved in the
window. Left to right movement increases X output, while moving up
increases Y output. MSB values can be found with the help of the grid
(the area for controller=64 is highlighted, and there are darker lines
to find values that divide evenly by 8). X, Y values (MSB) in the corners are: Bottom-left: 0, 0 Bottom-right: 127, 0 Top-right: 127, 127 Top-left: 0, 127 Note: if the mouse pointer is not in the window, or is not moving, no events are sent. |
Mouse buttons | Disable sending of control change events. The events are sent again as the button is released. |
<F1>-<F4> | Select controller (MSB) for X output. Default: 24. |
<F9>-<F12> | Select controller (MSB) for Y output. Default: 25. |
<F5> | Print current settings to stderr. |
<F7>, <F8> | Select MIDI channel (1-16). |
Arrow keys | Set sleep time (minimum interval between updates) in the range 1 to 100 ms. The default is 10 milliseconds. |
keyboard-1.0.4.tar.gz (11362 bytes)
© Istvan Varga, 2002