This issue of Csound Journal features an article on creating strings using UDOs as arrays by Joachim Heintz, an interesting article by Steven Yi on MIDI instruments, effects, processors, and mixers in a MIDI-based studio setting, and an article on using the Csound Lua interface by myself. Also in this issue Michael Gogins has contributed an article on the use of his signal flow graph opcodes, Jacob Joaquin has included an article using f-tables as a method for designing additive synthesis timbres, and Enrico Francioni has written a detailed article about his realization of Stockhausen's Solo using Csound.

I have enjoyed working with Steven again on this issue, and we hope you all also enjoy the articles, code, and examples which make this issue of Csound Journal a diverse and very interesting one.

James Hearon


In a recent poll I had conducted from the Csound mailing list and, I found that respondents varied widely in their experience with Csound, the operating systems they use, the type of music they are creating, and the ways they are using Csound. It is a wonderful thing to have such a diversity of musical interests within the same community, and it is fascinating to see how we all learn new things from each others' way of working with this fine musical tool.

As always, many thanks to the contributors for their fine articles! I am already looking forward to seeing what the community will share with us next!

Steven Yi