This issue of Csound Journal features a group of very interesting articles. Reginald Bain includes an article on Jean-Claude Risset's Arpeggio computer music instrument, and extending that design for composition. Michael Gogins has contributed an article which explains his interesting approach to alogrithmic composition using Csound and C++. Joachim Heintz has included an article from the last Linux Audio Conference on performing live with Csound utilizing the CsoundQt interface, and Brian Refern writes about his joy in using the new Android CSD Player app by Victor Lazzarini. Ed Costello includes a new and interesting method for creating graphical interfaces for Csound using Quartz Composer, and finally my own article about interfacing with Cscore completes the description of that process I began last issue. Be sure to also download the code and examples, and follow the links to the listening examples, where provided in this issue.

Jim Hearon


I'm always excited when we put out calls for articles to see what people are interested to contribute to the Journal. As usual, the community has responded with articles covering a wide range of topics: exploring composition at the microlevel of sound, practical advice on ways to employ Csound through different applications and interfaces, considerations about composition workflow through C++ and Csound, and Csound on mobile devices. I found the articles thought provoking and inspiring and thank the authors for their contributions.

Steven Yi