It's been great seeing what's been developing with Csound both in the software itself as well as in the community. At this year's Linux Audio Conference, Victor, John, and I had a chance to get together to discuss some of where Csound is today and the changes needed to get to where we and everyone would like to go. It seems to me that some deeper changes are going to be required to take the next steps, but once they're worked out Csound will be all the better for them.

Regarding the community, it's been great on the main Csound mailing list with all the newer people getting involved, asking great questions, and also returning to the community by sharing what they've learned with other new people. It's also great to see the New York and Boston Csound User Groups getting together and I hope this trend where people are sharing their work and knowledge will continue to grow.

Speaking of sharing, I've particularly been enjoying all of the music that is coming out of the Csound community. It always amazes me how diverse the musical interests are of the community using the same program in their work. Thanks to all the composers and musicians for sharing their music!

As for this issue, I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have. It's taken a bit longer to produce this issue, but we'll be working on moving back to a more regular schedule for future issues.

Thanks all and enjoy!

Steven Yi

While this issue has taken a little longer to produce, I think it contains some really good writings about Csound. For that, we especially owe a good deal of thanks to our reviewers for helping to keep us honest, well-braced, and on the right track with this issue. We thank them for their valuable time and comments. The "Csound Journal" articles seem to appear, and then gain in significance over time, becoming genuine references for "how to" with Csound, often found by web search engines. It is really a great service that the reviewers provide by making suggestions for improvement in the articles, helping them to stand the test of time.

As always we continue to welcome your articles, thoughts, comments, and ideas. I personally would still like to see student input. Perhaps those who teach might consider pairing with a student to write down some ideas, explain a composition, or propose an opcode? Since "Csound Journal" belongs to the community, then of course we hope everyone in the community will freely contribute. When you stop to think about it, there is no shortage of students who have been exposed to Csound in one way or another. It must be a huge amount of people.

Enjoy the Summer, and "Csound Journal".

James Hearon